November 2021

Welcome to my Get Ham Radio website! “KC4RCR” is my amateur radio call-sign assigned by the United States FCC. Here you will find discussion related to radio, computers, automotive and various other topics.

Latest Updates (As of 05 September 2023):

WA4TSC/N3JLT 147.300 Bluemont, VA
Outside camera view
Current (may be cached in your browser) view of KC4RCR station weather outside

Featured Blog Posts

December 2021 ISS SSTV

December 2021

International Space Station (ISS) SSTV image gallery posting

20m EFHW Antenna

20m End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) Build

20m End Fed Half Wave Transformer and Antenna build specifically for SSTV on 14.230 MHz

Broadcast Filtering

AM Broadcast Rejection Filter Testing

New Blog Entry as of 05 February on the testing of AM broadcast rejection

Streaming Server

Streaming Audio Using Darkice

Streaming media server running on a Raspberry Pi using a Scanner

5v Relay

Power Outage Notification System

Use this simple 5v relay and a Rasperry Pi to monitor your commercial power source not on UPS


2 Meter Quick J-Pole Antenna

Made out of spare 1/2″ copper pipe I had laying around in the basement collecting dust.

Custom Mounting

Mobile Installation in Ram Truck

Built only from parts found at your local hardware store. No modifications to vehicle for mounting.

3.0L V6 Build

The Building of a 3.0L Honda Engine

An entire rebuild with every individual engine part assembled by hand. (Details to be posted soon).

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Projects

Raspberry Pi Projects (Details to be posted soon).

AllStar Node Build

Build your own AllStar node using an Alinco radio and a raspberry Pi!

Picture Dated 2018

Personal Posts

Personal posts and accomplishments.

About KC4RCR

Formal education and degrees

Major: Computer Science

Minor: Math

Minor: Economics (includes graduate work)

Certificate: Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair

Major: Automotive Technology

Major: Automotive Technology with Emissions Specialization (Second A.A.S Degree)

ARRL Member (Of course you can look me up in public record…this is censored for for the bots)
GQRX on Ubuntu 19.10
Frequency Chart courtesy ARRL. Click here for the frequency allocation page

Find me on QRZ at

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