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Raspberry Pi Projects

by admin 2 Comments

This page will be where I post about the Raspberry Pi projects I have created or are working on.

Years ago I learned C++ extensively (my Computer Science degree). I started looking into Raspberry Pis in 2019 and started learning the Python programming language.

I’ve written a lot of home security programs, home automation and also stream my favorite local repeater.

I’ll write more here about the projects soon.

Index: 2

Mobile Installation in Ram Truck

by admin 3 Comments

Built only from parts found at your local hardware store. No modifications to vehicle for mounting.

Initially I built this as a single mount for my BTech GMRS-50×1 mobile radio. I have a bench seat in my Dodge Ram but very little room elsewhere to mount the radio. Years ago you could drill into the dash when they were metal…not so easy anymore.

I bought two L-shape brackets and two straight brackets with assorted hex bolts. I also included four rubber feet with the intent of sliding the bracket under the center front seat.

It started out wide but I had to make it more narrow due to restrictions under the seat. The holes already drilled made this easy.

As you can see the BTech GMRS-50×1 radio fit quite well on the bracket and with the rubber feet, it slipped great under the seat. For added security I left the bottom metal strap long and zip-tied the two side holes to the seat mount points.

Later on, I got my ham license and wanted to add my Yaesu FT-2980. That radio is larger so I decided to flip the BTech GMRS-50×1 GMRS one to the top and put the Yaesu on the bottom.

I already had wires through the plastic firewall knockout and I didn’t want to disturb them so I found it easier to drill a second small hole in the same knockout. I removed the connector (the pic was actually to make sure I put it back on with the correct polarity…I triple checked!).

I mounted the BTech GMRS-50×1 radio on top and fitted the Yaesu FT-2980 bracket on the bottom side. Because the bracket wasn’t originally designed for this alignment, I had to add some spacers, etc. but it did fit exactly in the space between the seat and extended cup holders. The angles changed a little as well, but it wasn’t bad.

All in all, the entire bracket seems quite secure and does not vibrate or move when on the road!

(Oh and if you are wondering why I have green and red labels on equipment it is for the family. That way they know NOT to pick up ham equipment but they can use GMRS as covered by the WREY366 license).

Original Dry-Run Assembly
Needed a narrower fit under seat
BTech GMRS-50×1 Mounted
Pin removal from connector
Plastic knockout in Dodge Ram Firewall
Positive post directly between battery and under-hood fuse box
Flipped the GMRS radio to the top position
Needed spacers/washers because the top side was not built originally to mount a bracket
Finished Product!
Index: 1
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