Raspberry Pi Projects

by admin 2 Comments

This page will be where I post about the Raspberry Pi projects I have created or are working on.

Years ago I learned C++ extensively (my Computer Science degree). I started looking into Raspberry Pis in 2019 and started learning the Python programming language.

I’ve written a lot of home security programs, home automation and also stream my favorite local repeater.

I’ll write more here about the projects soon.

Index: 1

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Tom
    I heard you check into the K3SMT Somerset County Emergency Services 2m net this evening while the band was open. I would be interested in a write-up of using a Raspberry Pi to stream radio. I have a remote location at which I would like to monitor a 10 meter frequency. I will check back from time to time.
    • admin
      Thanks for stopping by! That's a great idea. I can definitely write something from memory shortly. The longest part was finding the right software. I used Icecast as the front end server with DarkIce as the back end streamer. In my case I connected the RPi to a scanner via a USB sound card.

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