Here I’ve listed a number of Ham radio nets I have joined. As you can tell, I’ve been on a lot of different nets! On many of these nets I am a regular, save for having to rotate for conflicts. My longest and most regular net I am on is the Northern Virginia Traffic Net. I am also Net Control on Wednesdays for the Eastern Panhandle Traffic Net.

Note for mobile users: Depending on device, you might have to scroll >>>right>>> to see the notes column.

VHF Nets Local to Clarke/Warren Counties in VA

Net NameDayTime (ET)RepeaterFrequency/Offset/PLNotes
High Noon Health and Welfare NetDaily1200K3NQT145.490- 123.0During the COVID-19 Pandemic, BCARS will be running a daily “HIGH NOON” Health and Welfare net from 12PM-12:30PM.
Northern Virginia Traffic NetDaily1930WA4TSC147.300+ 146.2
Eastern Panhandle Traffic NetDaily1845WB8YZV147.255+ 123.0
Warren County EMCOMMSunday1930K4QJZ145.210- 141.3Simplex on the first Sunday of the month on 147.420
Somerset County (PA) Amateur Radio Club Emergency Services NetSunday1930K3SMT147.195+ 123.0
Page County (VA) ARES NetSunday2000VariesVariesFirst Sunday: 146.550 simplex
Second Sunday: 146.670- 114.8 (W4GSB)
Other Sundays: 146.625- 131.8 (N4YSA)
District 6 ARES Net (WV)Sunday2030WV8BS147.390+ 123.0
Jefferson County (WV) ARES NetSunday2030WB8YZV147.255+ 123.0
Preston County (WV) Amateur Radio ClubSunday2100N8HON147.285+ 103.5See for all linked repeaters to this net.
Eastern Region Emergency NetMonday2000WB8YZV147.255+ 123.0Morgan, Berkeley, Jefferson Counties in WV
Tri-State 2-meter NetMonday2000W3YMW145.450- 123.0146.880 MHz (PL 123.0) Dan’s Mountain
Linked to 444.500 MHz (PL 118.8) Dan’s Mountain,
and also to 145.450 MHz (PL 123.0) Warrior Mountain
Potomac Highlands Amateur Radio Club Net (Moorefield, WV)Monday2030N8VAA145.190- 118.8Second net right after the first, on 10 meter at or around 28.450 USB
Shenandoah Valley Emergency NetTuesday1900W4RKC146.820- 146.2
Bedford County (PA) ARES Net (BCARS)Tuesday2000K3NQT145.490- 123.0
LWX Area Weather NetTuesday2030WA4TSC147.300+ 146.2
Loudoun County (VA) ARES NetTuesday2030N4FSC145.310- 77.0Summer Break in August
Multi-County ARES Net (WV)Tuesday2100N8HON147.285+ 103.5See for all linked repeaters to this net
Hampshire Emergency Amateur Radio Team (HEART) NetWednesday1900N8RAT (System)443.200+ 123.0
224.280- 100.0 VA/WV/MD Linked. See N8RAT System
Fairfax County ARESWednesday2000NV4FM146.790- CSQNet starts following the Northern Virginia FM Association Bulletin
The Four State NetWednesday2000W3CWC147.090+ 100.0
Opequon Radio SocietyWednesday2030W8ORS145.150- 179.9
Antietam Radio Association ARESThursday
(Last week of month only)
1900W3CWC146.940- 100.0
W4OVH VHF/UHF NetThursday2000W4OVH146.970- 100.0VHF/UHF Net on OVH’s 146.97, 224.66 & 442.20 MHz FM Repeaters are linked during the net. Allstar Node 46931. See
Pendleton Co ARES/RACES NetThursday (2nd & 4th)2030KC8FPC147.345+ CSQ
Philipsburg Amateur Radio AssociationSaturday2100W3PHB146.430+1MHz 173.8 Also on Echolink Node 385989. Note offset of +1MHz

HF (and 160m) Nets Frequented by KC4RCR

Net NameDayTime (ET)Frequency (MHz)Notes
160m Net on 1900KHzM-F2100 Summer / 2030 Winter1.900Check in can be made via NetLogger
Virginia Fone NetDaily1600 and 19303.947
West Virginia Fone NetDaily1800 EDT / 1700 EST3.810

Internet Linked (to a distant RF repeater*) Nets Frequented by KC4RCR

*See net website for actual RF details

Net NameDayTime (ET)ServiceNodeNotes
Boaters’ Net (Seattle)Daily1047Allstar2462
The Nine O’clock Net (Seattle)Daily1200Allstar2462
The Noon Net (Seattle)Daily1500Allstar2462
The Nine O’clock Net (Seattle)Daily0000Allstar2462
KY-TN-VA Wide Area Repeater NetworkThursday2100Allstar40151
220 Allstar NetFriday2100Allstar47046

Feel free to provide information on other nets that can be included.

Last update: 13 December 2022.

Index: 4

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